Things are busy as always at the Holy Family Villa with Sister Angela and the resident women and children. Driving by the facility, it may look like a big impersonal hotel but step inside and you will see a home filled with the joys, sorrows, struggles and triumphs of the women and children who live there. You will see Sister Angela bustling in the kitchen, cooking 3 meals a day for up to 50 people on a stove like the one I have at home with even less counter space. The Marines claim to do more by 9:00a.m. than most people do in a day but they obviously haven’t met Sister Angela. She runs the Villa pretty much single handedly with assistance from Rose. She works tirelessly and can often be heard softly singing hymns in her beautiful soprano. Making dinner, she may be interrupted by the arrival of a new resident. It may be a single woman down on her luck or a mother with small children in tow – all their possessions stuffed in a couple of plastic garbage bags. These women have nowhere else to go, nowhere else to turn. They are often overwhelmed, scared and scarred. Sister Angela welcomes them with her no nonsense approach, gets them toiletries, clothing and bedding and takes them up the elevator to a room of their own. Single women on the 2nd floor, mothers with children on the 3rd. The rooms may not be big, the paint may be fading and the furniture used, but each room is clean, has its own
bathroom, and everyone gets a bed – cribs can be wheeled in for the babies. It is home for now. Coming down for a meal that the women take turns helping to prepare, serve and clean up after new residents are introduced and welcomed, the blessing is said and everyone eats. No one goes hungry.
Volunteers and other residents will help newcomers with learning the routine as well as the steps they need to take to get back on their feet. They are guided where to seek assistance for things like child care, housing, employment or job training and transportation. Everyone that is accepted for residence has to clear a background check and can stay as long as they continue to work toward
employment and housing or similar goals.
I have been privileged to hear the stories of many of these women, their struggles with homelessness, broken relationships, abuse and abandonment as well as their joy at a child’s good grades or when they find a job or have enough saved to seek an apartment. I bring simple activities for the children who greet me with smiles and hugs. They are eager to help unpack anything I’ve brought from my car. One little boy dubbed me, “the activities lady.” While getting to know the children and interacting with them, they tell me things like, “I have Barbies at home….but I can’t go back and get them,” “Who will take care of me if something happens to my mom,” “I cried every day at school this week cuz I missed my old school and my friends.” It tears at my heart that they have to go through this. Yet these families are no different from our own. The phrase, “…There but for the grace of God…,” comes to mind. They want the same things for themselves and their children: a job, good childcare and schooling, three meals a day, a secure and safe place to live and maybe a little extra to take the kids for pizza or a movie.
I have made a commitment to the Father Carr family of my time, talent and treasure because I am so sold on the mission. I’ve seen first hand how Bob, Neil, Sister Angela, Hussain, Carol and all the other dedicated volunteers give of themselves to make an impact in our community. But they all wear many hats and really need extra help. So pay it forward! Whether you or your teen have a few hours a month to spare answering phones or cleaning a room, or extra household items such as an outgrown bed in the spare room, or a little extra space in your grocery cart for canned goods or cleaning supplies or a monetary donation of any size- it will go to excellent use and be greatly appreciated. I will also share a secret I have learned about volunteering.
You are guaranteed to get more out of it than what you give. Where else will an investment like that pay off?
I began volunteering at the Place 2B this summer. I was so impressed with the mission that I am now helping at the women and children’s shelter weekly.
Things are busy as always at the Holy Family Villa with Sister Angela and the resident women and children. Driving by the facility, it may look like a big impersonal hotel but step inside and you will see a home filled with the joys, sorrows, struggles and triumphs of the women and children who live there. You will see Sister Angela bustling in the kitchen, cooking 3 meals a day for up to 50 people on a stove like the one I have at home with even less counter space. The Marines claim to do more by 9:00a.m. than most people do in a day but they obviously haven’t met Sister Angela. She runs the Villa pretty much single handedly with assistance from Rose. She works tirelessly and can often be heard softly singing hymns in her beautiful soprano. Making dinner, she may be interrupted by the arrival of a new resident. It may be a single woman down on her luck or a mother with small children in tow – all their possessions stuffed in a couple of plastic garbage bags. These women have nowhere else to go, nowhere else to turn. They are often overwhelmed, scared and scarred. Sister Angela welcomes them with her no nonsense approach, gets them toiletries, clothing and bedding and takes them up the elevator to a room of their own. Single women on the 2nd floor, mothers with children on the 3rd. The rooms may not be big, the paint may be fading and the furniture used, but each room is clean, has its own
bathroom, and everyone gets a bed – cribs can be wheeled in for the babies. It is home for now. Coming down for a meal that the women take turns helping to prepare, serve and clean up after new residents are introduced and welcomed, the blessing is said and everyone eats. No one goes hungry.
Volunteers and other residents will help newcomers with learning the routine as well as the steps they need to take to get back on their feet. They are guided where to seek assistance for things like child care, housing, employment or job training and transportation. Everyone that is accepted for residence has to clear a background check and can stay as long as they continue to work toward
employment and housing or similar goals.
I have been privileged to hear the stories of many of these women, their struggles with homelessness, broken relationships, abuse and abandonment as well as their joy at a child’s good grades or when they find a job or have enough saved to seek an apartment. I bring simple activities for the children who greet me with smiles and hugs. They are eager to help unpack anything I’ve brought from my car. One little boy dubbed me, “the activities lady.” While getting to know the children and interacting with them, they tell me things like, “I have Barbies at home….but I can’t go back and get them,” “Who will take care of me if something happens to my mom,” “I cried every day at school this week cuz I missed my old school and my friends.” It tears at my heart that they have to go through this. Yet these families are no different from our own. The phrase, “…There but for the grace of God…,” comes to mind. They want the same things for themselves and their children: a job, good childcare and schooling, three meals a day, a secure and safe place to live and maybe a little extra to take the kids for pizza or a movie.
I have made a commitment to the Father Carr family of my time, talent and treasure because I am so sold on the mission. I’ve seen first hand how Bob, Neil, Sister Angela, Hussain, Carol and all the other dedicated volunteers give of themselves to make an impact in our community. But they all wear many hats and really need extra help. So pay it forward! Whether you or your teen have a few hours a month to spare answering phones or cleaning a room, or extra household items such as an outgrown bed in the spare room, or a little extra space in your grocery cart for canned goods or cleaning supplies or a monetary donation of any size- it will go to excellent use and be greatly appreciated. I will also share a secret I have learned about volunteering.
You are guaranteed to get more out of it than what you give. Where else will an investment like that pay off?
– Kelly