“Let us begin again, for until now we have done nothing.” This is today’s quote on the Catholic Gentleman app. These strong words were said by Saint Francis of Assisi. My initial thought was, WHAT, REALLY? We’ve done nothing? Then the quote started resonating with me. Today is a new day, a fresh start, it’s time to [...]
The Compassionate Friends

The Compassionate Friends is a national, nonprofit, self help support organization for families after a child dies from any cause and at any age, from unborn through adulthood.
A newly chartered Chapter TCF of The Fox Valley will begin holding meetings in April, offering friendship, understanding, and hope to families grieving the death of a child. TCF has no religious affiliation, and no individual membership fees or dues are charged. All bereaved family members are welcome. Founded in England in 1969, TCF was established in the United States in 1972, with 501(c)(3) not-for-profit incorporation in 1978. We now have a newly chartered TCF of The Fox Valley of Wisconsin to begin serving Oshkosh and the Fox Valley area and surrounding communities.
Meetings will be starting in April and will be held the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM at Father Carr’s Place 2B, 1062 N. Koeller, Oshkosh, WI 54902. Phone: (Linda) 920-267-3108 email: foxvalleytcf@gmail.com www.compassionatefriends.org
What We Do
Bethlehem Inn
Father Carr’s offers temporary housing for men, women and children. All immediate needs are taken care of including three meals a day. Residents will receive support and guidance to transition to independent living.
Our food bank provides groceries every Friday to those in need. Our Daily Bread is available each day providing bread, baked goods and other foods as available. All are welcome!
Free Clinic
For those in need of medical care, licensed medical personnel volunteer to provide healthcare for the underinsured or uninsured.
Our Life Enrichment Center (Mother Teresa Center) is open daily. If you need support, friendship, or a place to serve this is the Place 2B!
We appreciate our volunteers! Many helping hands are needed each week to operate Father Carr’s Place 2B. Any amount of time is valued. Become part of our community!
Food Pantry Staples
Onion Powder
Garlic Powder
Chili Powder
Breakfast Cereal
Peanut Butter
Canned Fruit
Canned Chili
Chef Boyardee
Canned Meat
Flavored Oatmeal
Black Pepper
Granola/Snack Bars
Spaghetti/Spaghetti sauce
Chunky/Progresso soups
Hamburger Helper
Easter Community Dinner
Brown Sugar
Canned Sweet Corn
Shelter Needs
Hair Conditioner
Cleaning Supplies
Bathroom cleaner
Baby/Toddler Diapers – all sizes
Ministry Needs
Support for Landscaping Project
City Bus Passes
Support for Women/Children Room Renovation
About Us
Father Carr’s Place 2B is a Life Enrichment Center that ministers to the poor and provides family and community activities. We were founded by Father Martin Carr in 1974 as a Catholic Organization but welcome everyone. Our services are provided primarily by volunteers and we receive no government money. We are funded entirely by private donors and rely upon the generosity of others.
Our nearly 10-acre campus includes 4 buildings that serve as a community center, free medical clinic, community food bank, retreat center, dining rooms for daily meals, chapel and housing for the homeless. Our goal is to provide hope. We mentor others to foster independence and build a healthier life. Our volunteer opportunities and family fun activities help to build a strong community. Please help us make it stronger through your prayers, time, talents, or financial gifts. Thank you. Read more..