“Let us begin again, for until now we have done nothing.” This is today’s quote on the Catholic Gentleman app. These strong words were said by Saint Francis of Assisi. My initial thought was, WHAT, REALLY? We’ve done nothing? Then the quote started resonating with me. Today is a new day, a fresh start, it’s time to act.

2024 is coming to an end and that means we are wrapping up our Golden Jubilee year. I would love to tell you all about our first 50 years, but the fact is, I can’t. I’ve been with the Place 2B less than one decade, a fraction of its existence. Father Marty Carr, the obvious founder, was with the ministry for 33 years before being called home to eternal rest. There have been a half dozen or so executive directors since. Our story is spread among many. If we use today’s statistics, the math will tell you Father Carr’s Place 2B has helped well over 1 million souls in the last 1,825 days. Hundreds of generous donors have kept our lights on and thousands of spirited volunteers have helped us do the work. Everyday someone tells me a story about how their life changed because of Father Carr’s, be it the man, the ministry or both.

Our world, community and campus has a significant degree of darkness. This origin of darkness goes back to Genesis Chapter 3. We don’t hide the fact that it comes to us in different ways. We combat it. I mention this because it is our daily work. We have to make sure we are aware of the articles of satanic worship and witchcraft that enter into our buildings. These disturbing items are dealt with immediately. The cold darkness that lingers in some the souls of our community is warmed by the Light of our Lord. 

“The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”  John 1:5 

The true Light comes to us through daily mass, rosaries, chaplets, regular campus and room blessings, the Communion of Saints, volunteers, etc. Surely, the presence of our Lord is in this place. Once our guests understand that we are more than a bed, hot shower and 3 meals, that we are here because of our love for Jesus, and that love starts to penetrate their hearts, their life changes. Hope is apparent, love is felt, purpose is renewed. This Light renews them, it renews us!

A Light will shine on us this day; the Lord is born for us. Psalm 97

I will admit now that when I started this role 2+ years ago, I was thinking to myself, what do you know about being an executive director? I laugh to myself about that now. I certainly had some reservations, but with prayer, my Cursillo journey and overcoming some personal crosses, I knew the Lord would be with me. And He has. I have never felt so close to our Lord as I do today. The fact is, the Holy Spirit is in charge of the Place 2B.

That’s why I can say with 100% confidence, as we wrap up our first fifty years, Father Carr’s Place 2B will be helping this community for another fifty years. We are built on rock!

“Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and buffeted the house. But it did not collapse; it had been set solidly on rock.  Matthew 7; 24,25

May the peace, joy and love of our Lord Jesus Christ, be with you in 2025.

Pax Christi,
