I am in awe of the committee we have planning our first CARRnival for KIDS. These volunteers abound with great ideas. Nothing stops them from putting an idea into action. It’s been very rewarding to be part of it. We are really excited to bring this event to Oshkosh and beyond. One of the many adjectives we are using to identify our carnival is community. It is a “community” event, as we say.
What does that mean? Sure, it means it is for Oshkosh. It even means it is for the six counties Father Carr’s primarily serves. It’s for men, women and children. It’s for everyone. CARRnival for KIDS is for the whole community.
It takes individuals to make up a community. Usually individuals with a common interest. Certainly not every individual or person is the same. We are different in many ways. One unique way is the abundances we have. Some people have an abundance of joy, some laughter, some confidence. Some have an abundance of shyness, some uncertainty, some fear. There are individuals with an abundance of fortitude, some wisdom, and still others an abundance of faith, hope and love. Others deal with those abundances of nervousness, doubt and even anger. These abundances we live with come to us through the Light or through darkness. Everyone experiences abundances of both sources.
The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. – John 1:5
CARRnival for KIDS is the perfect venue to bring these abundances together. It is an event where all of us as individuals can come together and share the abundances we live with. We can share a greeting or even a simple smile with each other. We can ask someone to ride the ferris wheel. Have our faces painted the same. Share a sidewalk chalk masterpiece. We can ask someone to dance to our favorite song. Let the abundances of Light dissipate those of darkness. Let His Light shine upon us and those we are with.
CARRnival for KIDS has a twofold purpose. Yes, it is for the whole community, but it is also to make the community whole. See you at the carnival.
Pax Christi,