Are you a benefactor of Father Carr’s? Would you consider becoming one? Giving Tuesday, November 28 is the perfect day to donate. Thrivent Financial is matching all donations up to $10,000. Father Carr’s is 100% privately funded with no federal, state or other government funds. We serve the community with generosity from individuals like you. Your donation helps us to directly assist others and does not go to a large bureaucracy. We are primarily made up of volunteers including all of our doctors, nurses and receptionists at our free medical health clinic. Thank you for all of your donations throughout the year and especially on November 28th. Matching contributions can also be made online by going to the Thrivent Financial Website at Make a donation and have it automatically doubled. Your generosity is needed and appreciated. The donation must be dropped off at Father Carr’s or given online on this day only to receive the matching gift. Come join us for food, fellowshipand fun AND to drop off your donation, however large or small, on November 28th between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm.